This Instragram has a lot of different improvements that give the user an edge over other Instagram users. These are the main features of this cracked instragram are:
-By Abhishek R Sarda
Ads free
Completely free app with no Instagram ads
Download photos, videos, stories and IGTV with ease direct in gallery
HQ Media
Upload your photos and stories with better quality
View stories, read and write messages without anyone's knowledge.
Note :- App is in the form of ".apk" , and google playstore will warn it as harmful because if you download any application from any source other than playstore then google chrome will warn it . just ignore the diaglog box and click 'ok' at the of download.
*Size of the Application is
* It requires the Removal of original Instragram app which you have downloaded from Google Playstore.[because their can't be two instragram with the same package name i.e
* This version of instragram is edited version and is totally owned and controlled by
How to Download ?
1. Click on the below download button , you will be re-directed to {site} and then wait till it captures the data it will be displayed as "getting data"
2. Wait till the timer ends {10seconds} - it will be visible in (green color) download button.
3. After clicking on download button it will redirect you to a new page it will display "please wait generating link".
4. Click on the red colour download button.
5. Click ok / if asked for the confirmation of apk . click ok ...done......enjoy
6.Please delete the previous instragram app and then install it.